down and dirty

E-cigs ain't harmless

E-cigarettes and vapes are new, so we’re still learning about them. But we wanted to figure out how they can affect your health. Now, we know there are several different types of e-cigs and vapes available, but it turns out that no matter what type someone is using, the aerosol they’re breathing isn’t harmless. Check out the video below to see more about what we found.

More info on e-cigs:

Many e-liquids contain nicotine and nicotine is highly addictive. 1, 2

Listing ingredients isn’t required for e-cigs or vapes and there’s no way to know just how much nicotine is in an e-cig. 3, 4, 5, 6

Just because a label says there’s no nicotine doesn’t mean it's true – there’s just no way for us to know for sure. 4, 5, 6

Vaping nicotine could affect how your brain functions. 7

The nicotine found in vapes can throw off your natural brain chemicals and  change how your brain handles emotions. It can make you feel:
Jumpy, Anxious, Sad
More easily annoyed or angry
7, 8, 9

E-cigs don’t produce just water vapor, they produce an aerosol that can include harmful chemicals such as nickel, lead, and benzene. 10, 11

More than 60 harmful chemicals can find their way into your system when you vape. Some of those can cause cancer down the line or lead to respiratory issues and blocked airways. 12, 13

Vapes and other tobacco products have been found to contain lead that can give you brain damage. 14

Formaldehyde is a chemical that's used to preserve dead bodies. It's also found in vapes. 15

Even small amounts of arson, lead or formaldehyde could cause brain damage, lung disease or cancer. Vapes contain these toxic chemicals and more. 15

Benzene can be found in truck exhaust and some e-cig aerosols. 11

Some of these chemicals can damage your lungs and may have other negative health consequences. 16, 17, 18

Other chemicals that can be found in e-cig aerosols include toluene, xylene, cadmium, chromium, and diacetyl. Toluene and xylene can cause headaches, eye irritation, or dizziness. 10, 19, 20, 21, 22

The inhalation of some flavorings have unknown health effects and may harm your lungs. 23

The costs of vaping can really add up:
• A month of vaping costs around $100.
• 6 months of vaping can run you over $700.
• Over a year it’s common to spend up to $1500.
• A couple years of vaping could add up to wasting $3,000. 24, 25

Check out the links below to learn more
about why we choose to live without tobacco products.